Shipping and return policies for Mortiphera

Shipping Info
Shipping in UK & EU
Return Policy
This Policy is governed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland and European Parliament.

Fanbace takes full responsibility for misprinted or defective items. All returns must be submitted within 30 days from the date the item was received. Lost in transit claims must be submitted no later than 30 days weeks after the published delivery date. Fulfilment errors are covered and eligible for an exchange at our expense.

The return address is set by default to the web stores default requested address unless otherwise notified. The store owner/merchant is responsible for their returns policy. If items are sent to our facility in error we will attempt to process but can not guarantee all items retuned in error to our facility will be processed and repatriated. The store owner/merchant is liable for any returned shipments we receive.

Shipments unclaimed or where fulfilment could be not completed, due to access or incomplete address information, will be returned to the returns store address on record. The store owner is liable for all costs associated with reshipment of goods to the customer.

Return of face covering is not accepted in line with covid, hygiene guidance and regulations. Size and product exchange is offered at the store owners expense and discretion in-line with the store owners returns policy. To issue an exchange a manual order can be raised at your expense.

In the event an incorrect or incomplete address is provided, the shipment will be returned to the store returns address on record at the time of the return.

In accordance with Article 16(c) and (e) of the Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament on consumer rights, the right of withdrawal may not be provided for as the supply of goods is clearly personalised. Due to COVID 19, health protection and hygiene guidance, Fanbace reserves the right to refuse the return of any product at its sole discretion.